Dramatis Personae

1975: A Prophetic DramaBY HARRIET HOSMERSiminberghi’s Printing Office, Rome (1875) The author of 1975 has been much amused to find that her drama is supposed…

Waking Up

THE MUMMY ROOM IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM (A row of mummy cases standing on end.—one of the cases is seen to move slightly.—then noises inside.—lid…

History Lesson

Uncle: Excuse me, madam, perhaps you could give us a little information. Lady: I have no doubt I could, but who are you? Uncle: (presenting…

Climate Change

Sam: And, England; what has occurred there new and startling? Lady: Nothing new and startling. You know her policy was always conservative. We detest novelty;…

Mongolfior and Blitzen

Lady: I never jest. Well, at a subsequent period, numberless small islands rose round the arctic circle, one of which, more bleak, more uninhabitable, more…

Shock and Awe

Uncle: (with much solicitude) Oh! it wasn’t you, then. Why what was it? (Sam receives another shock—also Uncle), Why where did it come from? (both…

My Cousin Amelia

Uncle: Oh Samuel! Sam: Oh Uncle! Lady: And now I communicate with my friend. (to Blitzen). Think of the Lady Chancellor, Blitzino, (Blitzen thinks—in a…

Westminster Gong

Blitzen: Your Potency will excuse me but I hear the Westminster gong sounding. I am really afraid your Potency will be late for Parliament. Shall…


Lady: But I am disappointed at your not finding this Gladstone. I feel quite sure, however, that it must be, the expression of face so…


(enter Egypt) Egypt: How now, what noise is this? Peace! peace! Both: We wanted to get up. Egypt: What have you to do with this…